Oil on Linen 45x60cm 2013
Oil on Linen 180x180cm 2010
Oil and Lacquer on Silk on Board 180x120cm 2010
Oil and Lacquer on Silk on Print on Board 60x50cm 2010
Oil on Cotton on Board 20x15cm 2012
Oil on Linen on Board 60x50cm 2012
Oil on Linen 60x45cm 2011
Oil on Cotton on Board 32x25cm 2012
'I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe.' Oil on Silk on Board 15x20cm 2012
oil on Linen 15x20cm 2012
Oil on Silk 60x50cm 2010
Oil on Linen on Board 30x20cm 2012
Oil on Linen on Board 24x18cm 2013
(im)possibility through the (in)finite...
2010 - 2012
(im)possibility through the (in)finite… is a concept and practice that works through series, in order to challenge perceptions of reality. Through the process of montage and the layering of luminescent glazes the paintings open up the one dimensional plane of the surface to multiple readings. The reality(ies) created is a chimera, in which the co-ordinates are constantly shifting.
The paintings explore the interval between the juxtaposed images, the fragmented whole of the painting, and the distance between sign and signified. The incomprehensible void of infinite potentiality requires the active participation of the viewer; ultimately questioning our own understanding of the processes present in creating a singular reality.
However, a humanist and moral reality (18th century onwards) is rendered in the height and subject matter of the canvases (religion, childhood and natural disaster) but it is ambiguously coded. The paintings are sinister; questioning the moral and finite reality that humans have formed and our systems grounded in religion, mathematical logic or empirical science.